15 Ways to improve cooperation
with your child’s school
Why is cooperation between parents and teachers so important?

Parents participating in APIS Fun Day
All truly great achievements in this world are the result of cooperation between people.
This is especially true in the field of education where so many different individuals are involved in trying to reach one main goal.
Collaboration is an “anchor” value at American Prep International.
Collaboration is one of the 5 cross-curricular anchor values that the school has identified as making up the distinctive niche curriculum of the school.
At American Prep we consciously try to find and create opportunities for our students to learn this valuable life skill and to make it part of their character. One of the interesting ways in which this is done this year is by the choice of an innovative motto: “Lets move the elephant”. The background reason for this somewhat strange motto can be found in another blog post.
Collaboration also involves parents
One aspect of collaboration (cooperation) that we often overlook is the fact that successful education does not only imply collaboration between teachers amongst themselves and between teachers and students. It also implies that there be collaboration between the parent/s and the school.
Teachers often ask parents to cooperate with the school, but sometimes parents don’t really know how they could best do so.
The list that follows should help parents (and the school) to know what is ‘best practice’ for cooperation between the home and the school.
Ways to Communicate and Cooperate with Your School
- Get acquainted with the school principal and your child’s teachers early in the school year.
Parents participate in Fun Day Activities
- Regularly participate in school activities.
- Show your interest in and support of the school by attending PTA meetings, parent-teacher conferences, school plays, fun days, etc.
- Volunteer to help with field trips, class parties, fund-raising events and other special activities at school.
- Call teachers if you have questions about assignments, grades or school policies. It’s better to ask questions than to be “in the dark.”
- Make use of the school’s invitation to view your child’s grades on the school grades admin system (OpenSis for American Prep School).
- Be sure to notify school when your child is absent and make arrangements to pick up homework during long absences.
- Notify the school promptly of address, phone or other changes.
- Always be sure the school has information on how educators can reach you during the school day.
- Notify the school in advance if you cannot attend regular meetings or parent teacher conferences. If necessary, make special appointments to meet with teachers.
- Avoid criticizing school officials in front of your child. Handle complaints directly with the appropriate school personnel.
- Make certain that you know what homework your child is expected to do and help him/or her to actually do homework. But do not do the homework for your child.
- Remember to sign your child’s homework diary on a daily basis if this is part of the school expectations.
- Remember to fill in any forms and return them to the school when requested to do so.
Parents playing with their children at APIS
Infogram summarizing the most important ways parents can cooperate with the school
If you are willing to follow the above guidelines your child will reap the benefits of a successful school experience and you will – by your example – help your child to realize the importance of cooperation to achieve lasting results!
American Prep International school does not only ask parents to cooperate and communicate with the school. No, the school actually puts various processes in place that help parents and school to have an improved communication experience. This page gives more details about these processes,

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