Mrs. Nikole Konstantinidi

Main responsibility: Pre-K Homeroom Teacher

* Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics and Mass Media
* Degree of Assistant of General Infant Nursery

Teaching experience:
* 3 years teaching in Kindergarten and Nursery School (Greece)
* 2,5 years teaching English language in Anuban school (Thailand)

Country of origin: Greece

My hobbies and interests: I love spending as much time as I can with my family and enjoy every moment by going on walks, exploring new places together, or taking care of them by baking!
I also love making crafts especially organic candles, running, swimming, and watching movies!

What I love most about my work as a teacher: Many things make me love this job as it gives me energy every day and fills me with love seeing the children’s smiles. When they make me feel that I am helping them develop emotionally and as people I like to offer my help my love and the knowledge I have acquired so far so that I can also help the children to develop. I also love that every day it’s not only the children who learn new things, but I also learn new ways to manage situations with them, I learn new cultures and ways of thinking that I wouldn’t have in any other case and how I also develop as a person along with the children.

My personal belief about teaching: Being a teacher is not just a job it’s more than that. I think you have to love this profession be passionate and can adapt to any situations that might come up! Have patience, and unlimited love for children regardless of where they are from and their beliefs. Be able to respect each child individually and what they bring with them from home and to be able to work with the child and the parents so that there is a complete effort. I think it is important to see the children as your own and to think about the ideals you want to pass on to them so that they can build a better future for themselves!

My promise to my students and their parents: I promise the parents of the children and the children themselves that I will love and respect each of them individually. To try to show understanding of their concerns and difficulties. Do my best to help them every day so they feel safe and loved. To teach them respect for their friends and show love to them as for me these are the two most important things in life!