Move The Elephant at American Prep International

Dr. Phakdee Mangmiwatthana, the owner and co-founder of American Prep International School, recently visited our school campus to assist our local management team with strategic planning for the next few years. During his visit he also found the time to give an inspirational talk to the school staff. In this talk he told a story of how the hunters of an African village had to join forces in order to move an elephant that was hunted far away from the village closer to the village. Move the elephantThe moral of the story is that a big task cannot be performed by one man only. It is only when a group, who has a common goal, finds ways of working together and supporting one another, that the goal can be achieved. This is very wise counsel and was really appreciated by the staff. After Dr. Phakdee’s departure the staff of the school unanimously voted to adopt the slogan: “Let’s Move the Elephant” as our school motto for the year. With this motto in mind and with the commitment to
implement it, we know that great things will be achieved at American Prep International this year!