Basic Rules
At American Prep International School, Hatyai every student is expected to:
- Keep his/her locker clean and orderly. (Maintaining clean lockers and common areas – toilets, hallways, stairs, etc. indicates that students are proud of their school).
- Wear his/her uniform correctly and maintain a high standard of personal appearance. (If a student looks sharp, he/she will be sharp and represent APIS in a worthy manner to the community.)
- Be on time and at the right place at the right time. Academic responsibility is exhibited by ensuring commitments are met. This means attending classes and activities according to the APIS schedule.
Canteen Protocol
Talking: Talking is permitted in a moderate tone at the table during mealtime, but conversations should be conducted in English
Table Etiquette: Proper conduct and table etiquette is observed at all times.
Canteen Clean-up: It is the duty of every student to ensure their eating area is clean. Their tables and chairs are straight, their trash is picked up and their tables are free of dishes, and debris.
Cell Phones: Students are allowed to bring cell phones to campus to be used only during break and lunch time and must be turned off during class. Violation of this policy may result in confiscation of the phone and or loss of privilege. If the phone is confiscated it will only be returned to the parent.
Classroom Protocol
The following infographic gives a summary of classroom protocol at American Prep International
Computer games and music: Playing computer games and listening to music on your laptop or other digital device during class time is only allowed with the express permission of the subject teacher. Breaking of this rule may lead to temporary confiscation of the electronic device.
Boy-girl relationships
It is good for boys and girls to be friends and to socialize together. However, the school does not encourage boy and girl falling in love and pairing off by themselves. It is better just to be friends as part of the group.
One definite school rule is that there should be no physical contact between boys and girls. Holding hands, sitting or lying on someone’s shoulder or lap is strictly forbidden.
Bathroom Sanitation
One of the most important skills that can be learned is good sanitation. Good sanitation prevents illness and disease. All students are required to clean up after themselves when they use the bathroom. Flushing the toilet, wiping up any spills, and cleaning the sink are mandatory.
On-limits and off-limits areas
Areas that are off limits to all students unless supervised by a member of the faculty are:
- Any building under construction
- Garden and car park at the in front of the school
- Staff offices
- Staff work room opposite to Science Lab
- Front Office and sick room
Emergency and drills
Fire Drills
- In order to maintain a safe and orderly campus in the event of an emergency, the school has established a warning system and subsequent emergency drills.
- Practice drills are conducted during the school year as set by the administrative staff.
- The purpose of these drills is to acquaint students with safe and proper procedures to follow. Emergency procedures are placed in each classroom.
- This information includes location of emergency exits and designated destinations.
- If an emergency occurs, parents will be apprised of the situation via SMS and telephone.
Safekeeping of Personal Property
Each Student is responsible to secure and maintain all personal property, including American Prep property on loan to include textbooks.
Security regulation: Each student must be prudent, exercise good judgment and common sense, and take, at minimum, the following precautions:
- Keep valuables at home and not bring them to campus
- Mark all property
- Keep personal keys or combinations private
Anything short of these precautions is considered carelessness. American Prep will not be liable for loss or theft.
- Be careful with safeguarding personal property.
- Respect the property of others.
- Parents will have the responsibility for replacing student belongings.
- Protection and safekeeping of personal belongings is the responsibility of each student.
Valuables: Expensive watches, jewelry, laptop computers, electronics, and large amounts of cash are not appropriate for a school environment. These items should be left at home. There is no need for large sums of money.
Reporting Loss: Report loss or damage to the director’s office. DO THIS IMMEDIATELY. The report should include a description of the missing articles. Include the identifying description marked on the item. Depending on the value of your loss, the director – in consultation with the parent/s – may require the student to file a police report.
Lost and Found Property Reporting. If a student finds property that does not belong to him/her, he/she must report it immediately to the homeroom teacher/principal.
Damage to school property
Damage Report: Students are responsible for their books and lockers. If someone damages or abuses APIS property, then it must be reported immediately to the director.
Damage to School Property: Students who damage American Prep property, shall be held responsible for the repair or replacement of it.

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