Joining hands together

Cooperation between parents and teachers is a matter of high priority at American Prep International School. We believe that successful educational outcomes can only be achieved if parents and teachers join hands and support one another.
The key concept in parent/teacher cooperation is communication.
Parents should communicate regularly with the school and the school should communicate with the parents. With this in mind the APIS has put in place a number of processes:
1. Parent-Teacher conferences
- Conferences are held with the parents of all children in kindergarten through grade 9 at the end of the first and third quarter.
- Parents may request additional conferences with a teacher at any time throughout the semester.
- Please contact the teacher via e-mail, or by calling the school office to request and arrange a mutually convenient meeting time.
2. Report Cards
- American Prep International School runs on a quarterly system in which student’s grades are collected and recorded four times a year.
- Student progress and achievement are measured by daily marks, tests, class participation, and teacher observation.
- Progress is recorded on the OpenSis school database) and may be viewed by parents after certain cut-off dates as announced by the school.
- Parents are asked to personally collect report cards from the school at the end of each quarter.
3. Academic alerts
Teachers may initiate personal contact with parents and send a written academic alert as soon as a student is:
- failing a course or
- receiving a “D” in a course or
- beginning to work below his/her ability
For middle and high school students who are struggling in a course, an academic alert may be sent to parents at the halfway point of each quarter.
The following infographic gives a summary view of the official communication channels between the school and the parents.

How school communicates with parents
Cooperation between school and parent
Cooperation between the school and the parents are much more than the good communication that has been summarized in the infographic above. Cooperation is such a multi-facetted concept that it merits a separate page by itself:
Read this Blog article for a specific list of ways to cooperate better with our school

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