Homework at American Prep
Students at American Prep can expect to get homework on a regular basis. Normal practice is that the teacher will teach certain subject matter in class and then give students opportunity – in class – to practice or do an application of what was taught. Practice that is not completed in class then become homework for the next teaching period. This is especially true for Maths instruction.
Blended teaching and learning
American Prep is also positioned to implement blended education. Blended teaching normally implies that students are expected to look at video material or do some directed reading at home, and then follows further development of these concepts or application of these concepts in class. In this way there is a blend of subject matter studied at home and then developed further under the direct guidance of the teacher at school. In a sense the practise of “blended teaching” has supplanted the traditional “homework system” at American Prep.
Infographic on Blended teaching
The following infographic gives an overview of the “blended teaching model” as it is practiced and implemented at various schools around the world. The infographic points out that four different models of blended teaching can be distinguished. At American Prep we follow the “Enriched Virtual Model” of blended teaching and learning.
How much homework for a student at American Prep?
There is no direct formula for how much homework a student will get every day. The amount of homework is for the most part, left to the professional judgement of the teacher. It is to be expected that students in the upper classes will get more homework per day than those in the junior classes.
Infographic showing the “good” and the “bad” sides of homework
Please read and study the following infographic to get a clear picture of the best and the worst aspects of homework practices around the world: Homework,the good and the bad

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