Academic Overview
American Prep International is committed to providing the highest quality education to students. In partnership with parents, we strive to prepare students for productive and meaningful lives in a rapidly changing world.
Our school curriculum, represents what we expect students to know, understand, and be able to do as a result of their academic and social learning experience.
APIS provides support and resources for all learners, in and outside of the classroom, to ensure that students are achieving at their very best and developing their identities as caring, lifelong learners and global citizens. As such:
- American Prep International focuses on the heart as well as the mind and addresses social, physical, emotional and cultural needs as well as academic ones.
- The traditional academic subjects are valued.
- In addition, there is an emphasis on the balance between the acquisition of knowledge and skills and the search for meaning and understanding.
- The school program provides opportunity for learners to construct meaning, principally through concept-driven inquiry.
- The threads of children’s learning are brought together in a trans-disciplinary program of inquiry, which in turn allows them to make connections with life outside the school
- Education at American Prep International School enables children to develop sensitivity to the experiences of others.
- The key to any successful elementary classroom is one where students feel valued.
- The relationship between all members of the classroom and school community must be positive and mutually respectful.
- The following values are emphasized across the curriculum: Collaboration, Communication, Critical thinking, Compassion and Creativity.
- At American Prep these values are known as the “5 C’s” and are considered “anchor values” because they serve as five anchors that hold the school true to its purpose and mission.
- At American Prep we also believe that once these values are firmly entrenched in the lives of our students they will be able to face the turbulent world of the 21st century with confidence and creative imagination.

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