OpenSis Information for Parents

Latest news

Parents please use OpenSis

Dear Parent

  1. We are pleased to announce that our OpenSis system for managing school grades etc. are now fully functional.
  2. Parents can now log into the system and view their own child’s grades.
  3. We invite you to log into the system on the 17th – 18th of November to see your child’s grades.
  4. Please follow the following guidelines to log into the system:
    1. Go to our website:
    2. On top menu click on APIS OpenSiS.
    3. Insert your Username and password.
    4. From top menu on right side choose the quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4).
    5. On main menu click on grade.
    6. Home page will show you assignments.
    7. To see your child’s information click Student on top menu.
    8. Click on Grade and click the subject that you are looking for to see grades.
    9. Please update your own information by clicking on my Info on top menu